倉庫/海外Site翻訳/NifTools/MeshImportExport のバックアップ(No.1)


NifSkope/Mesh import export Edit

NifSkope can import and export meshes (NiTriShape/NiTriStrips blocks) through Wavefront OBJ files. Many 3D programs can read and write OBJ files, including Blender and 3DS Max.


Note that this won't work for skinned (vertex weighted) meshes, only non-skinned meshes can be imported and exported properly with this method.

Exporting Edit

Editing Edit

Blender 2.41 Edit

Blender comes bundled with a OBJ importer and exporter. These scripts work pretty fine. Unfortunately however, they don't import normals properly, resulting in unwanted seams and/or blocky meshes. Fortunately, you can work around these problems by using the "remove doubles" trick (described below) and editing smoothing face by face. Following are the details.

1. Select File -> Import -> Wavefront (.obj).

2. Edit the model...

3. If you're done editing, select File -> Export -> Wavefront (.obj).

3DS Max Edit

(Please edit!)

Importing Edit

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