Level | 1-4 | 5-9 | 10-14 | 15-19 | 20-25 | 26+ |
Gold | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 |
レベル | ID | 重量 | ベース価格 | 付加効果 |
1-9 | 000366BF | 1.0 | 2030G | Fortify Strength 4 Reflect Damage 4% |
10-19 | 000366C1 | 1.0 | 4030G | Fortify Strength 8 Reflect Damage 8% |
20+ | 000366C0 | 1.0 | 3030G | Fortify Strength 6 Reflect Damage 6% |
名称 | ID | ドロップ | ヘルス | 炎耐性 | ヘルス回復 | 攻撃力 | 攻撃タイプ |
Swamp Troll | 0000BED2 | Troll Fat | 13×レベル | -50 | 1-3 | 9+(レベル/2) | 近接, 素手 |
Go into the CS and load the Oblivion esm. Then go into the Quest section and write down the Quest ID for The Mystery at Harlun's Watch (it's FGCSwamp 40 or something like that, but I don't remember exactly). Then run the game and open the console. Type in GetStageDone () and put the quest id in the brackets. Then use SetStage () to set the quest to the stage after the one it gives you.