クエスト/Shivering Isles のバックアップ(No.12)

Top/クエスト/Shivering Isles

Shivering Isles(戦慄の島) Edit

(トラブル/Shivering Islesのバグ)

メインクエスト Edit

  1. A Door in Niben Bay (Niben湾の扉)(導入クエスト)
  2. Through the Fringe of Madness (狂気の縁を抜けて)
  3. A Better Mousetrap (より良い鼠捕り)
  4. Baiting the Trap
  5. Understanding Madness
    1. Addiction
    2. The Lady of Paranoia
  6. The Cold Flame of Agnon
  7. Ritual of Accession
    1. Ritual of Mania
    2. Ritual of Dementia
  8. Retaking the Fringe
  9. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
  10. The Helpless Army
  11. Symbols of Office
  12. The Roots of Madness
  13. The End of Order
  14. The Prince of Madness


サブクエスト Edit

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New Sheoth市のCrucible地区 Edit

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