クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub の変更点

*サブクエスト [#u539afa3]

**Tirin僧院 [#q549c8e8]
-[[Goblins and a Wild Boar>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Goblins and a Wild Boar]] (ゴブリンとイノシシ)
-[[Search for My Roots>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Search for My Roots]] (汝のルーツを)

**Arcane Sanctum [#da2e0e18]
-[[The Moon Sheep>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Moon Sheep]] (月のヒツジ)
-[[Team Spirit>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Team Spirit]] (団結)

**Giliad [#df47aa9a]
-[[The Cry from the Deep>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Cry from the Deep]] (深淵からの呼び声)

**Erothin [#zd4cf172]
-[[Fine Spider Silk>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Fine Spider Silk]] (高品質な蜘蛛の糸を)
-[[The Key To Cleanliness>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Key To Cleanliness]] (清潔さの「鍵」)
-[[The Scent of Divinity>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Scent of Divinity]] (神の芳香)
-[[Predatory Bird>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Predatory Bird]] (略奪する、鳥)

-[[Artifacts from the past>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Artifacts from the past]] (過去からの遺産)
--[[The Family Tree Tablet in Treomar>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Family Tree Tablet in Treomar]] (Treomar の石版)
--[[The Family Tree Plaque in the Volcano Stream>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Family Tree Plaque in the Volcano Stream]] (Volcano River の石版)
---[[The Nexus Halls of Treomar>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Nexus Halls of Treomar]] (The Nexus Halls of Treomar)

-[[Darius' Treasure>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Darius' Treasure]] (Darius の宝)
--[[The Search For Darius>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Search For Darius]] (Darius を探せ)
--[[The Mist Of Death>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Mist Of Death]] (死の霧)

-[[House in Erothin>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/House in Erothin]] (Erothin の我が家)
--[[Traces>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Traces]] (追跡)

**Stonefield [#le7380f8]
-[[The Robbers' Nest>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Robbers' Nest]] (悪漢どもの巣)
-[[No Sturdy Shoes>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/No Sturdy Shoes]] (履物がない)

**Cahbaet [#qda45e1c]
-[[The Missing Master Brewer>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Missing Master Brewer]] (消えた醸造職人)
-[[If the mind is strong, then so is the body>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/If the mind is strong, then so is the body]] (強き心があれば、肉体もまた)

**Ostian [#ja9a0895]
-[[Fights in the Ostian Arena>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Fights in the Ostian Arena]] (Arena での闘い)

**その他 [#p17a6389]
-[[Layers or judge?>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Layers or judge?]] (放置か裁きか?)
-[[The Renegade Brother>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/The Renegade Brother]] (裏切りの兄弟)
-[[A Fiery Welcome>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/A Fiery Welcome]] (“熱烈”な歓迎)
-[[Pilgrimage>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Pilgrimage]] (巡礼)

-[[Wanted!>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Wanted!]] (指名手配!)

-[[Knowledge is Superior to the Sword>クエスト/非公式MOD/Nehrim - At Fate's Edge/Sub/Knowledge is Superior to the Sword]] (知は剣より強し)
-Bounty Quests(お尋ね者!)について
Band of Berserkers(バーサーカーの一団)のクリア後、海外のNehrimWikiにはさらに5つのクエストがあるように書いてあり、ゲーム内でも新たな依頼を受けられるがクエストが発生しない、という状況になります。

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