開発資料/QuestIDList のバックアップの現在との差分(No.4)


*クエストID一覧 [#qidlist]
 コンソールで sqt と打つ事でクエストIDは判明しますが、そういうのがめんどくさい方向けに作成。

*目次 [#contentsx]
*目次 [#contents]

*使用法 [#howtouse]
-クエストを進める ([数字]の段階にクエストを設定する。巻き戻しは不可能。CSで数値は調べられる)
 SetStage クエストID 数字
*ヴァニラ [#vanilla]
**MQ* (メインクエスト関連) [#mq]
|MQ00|Main Quest general|
|MQ02|Deliver the Amulet|
|MQ03|Find the Heir|
|MQ04|Weynon Priory|
|MQ05|The Path of Dawn|
|MQ06|Dagon Shrine|
|MQ08|Blood of the Daedra|
|MQ09|Blood of the Divines|
|MQ10|Bruma Gate|
|MQ11|Allies for Bruma|
|MQ13|Defense of Bruma|
|MQ14|Great Gate|
|MQ16|Light the Dragonfires|
|MQConversations|Main quest scripted conversations|
|MQDragonArmor|Imperial Dragon Armor|
|MQEndgame|Main Quest Finished|
|MQInfoGeneral|MQ info general (separate for priority)|

**FG* (戦士ギルド関連) [#fg]
|FG00Expulsion|Expelled from the Fighters Guild|
|FGC01Rats|A Rat Problem|
|FGC02Protect|The Unfortunate Shopkeeper|
|FGC03Flagon|Newheim's Flagon|
|FGC03Thieves|Den of Thieves|
|FGC04Scholar|The Wandering Scholar|
|FGC05Stone|The Stone of St. Alessia|
|FGC06Courier|The Desolate Mine|
|FGC07Heirloom|Amelion's Debt|
|FGC08Prison|The Fugitives|
|FGC09Ogres|The Noble's Daughter|
|FGC10Swamp|Mystery at Harlun's Watch|
|FGD00JoinFG|Join the Fighters Guild|
|FGD00PostQuest|FG PostQuest|
|FGD01Default|Unfinished Business|
|FGD02DandD|Drunk and Disorderly|
|FGD03Viranus|The Master's Son|
|FGD04Defector|More Unfinished Business|
|FGD05Oreyn|Azani Blackheart|
|FGD06DeadViranus|Trolls of Forsaken Mine|
|FGD07Kidnap|Information Gathering|
|FGD09Hist|The Hist|
|FGGeneric|FG Dialogue said to Player|

**MG* (メイジギルド関連) [#mg]
|MG00General|Mages Guild Non-Quest Dialogue and Conv|
|MG00Join|Join the Mages Guild|
|MG01Destruct|Skingrad Recommendation|
|MG02Alter|Cheydinhal Recommendation|
|MG03Illusion|Bravil Recommendation|
|MG04Restore|Anvil Recommendation|
|MG05A|Fingers of the Mountain, Part II|
|MG05Fingers|Fingers of the Mountain|
|MG06Bruma|Bruma Recommendation|
|MG07Leyawiin|Leyawiin Recommendation|
|MG08MagesStaff|A Mage's Staff|
|MG09Motives|Ulterior Motives|
|MG10Vahtacen|Vahtacen's Secret|
|MG11NecroMoon|Necromancer's Moon|
|MG12Gate|Liberation or Apprehension?|
|MG13Information|Information at a Price|
|MG14Plot|A Plot Revealed|
|MG15Helm|The Bloodworm Helm|
|MG16Amulet|The Necromancer's Amulet|
|MG18KingofWorms|Confront the King|
|MG19Alchemy|Alchemy Acquisitions|
|MGConversation|Mages Guild Quest Conversations|
|MGExpulsion01|Mages Guild Suspension|
|MGExpulsion02|Mages Guild Second Suspension|
|MGNecroAnchorites|Necromancer Anchorites|

**TG* (シーフギルド) [#tg]
|TG00FindThievesGuild|Finding the Thieves Guild|
|TG01BestThief|May the Best Thief Win|
|TG01BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG02BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG02taxes|Untaxing the Poor|
|TG03BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG03Elven|The Elven Maiden|
|TG04BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG04Mistake|Ahdarji's Heirloom|
|TG05BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG06Atonement|Lost Histories|
|TG06BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG07BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG07Lex|Taking Care of Lex|
|TG08Blind|Turning a Blind Eye|
|TG08BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG09Arrow|Arrow of Extrication|
|TG09BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG10BloodPrice|Blood Price|
|TG10Boots|Boots of Springheel Jak|
|TG11Heist|The Ultimate Heist|
|TGDirections|Directions from Beggars|
|TGExpelled|Cast out of the Thieves Guild|
|TGGrayCowlBlocker|Gray Cowl Dialogue|
|TGInfo|Thieves Guild Rules & Information|
|TGStolenGoods|Independent Thievery|

**Dark*  (ダークブラザーフッド関連) [#dark]
|Dark00General|The Dark Brotherhood|
|Dark00GeneralNPC|Dark Brotherhood Quest NPC Dialogue|
|Dark01Knife|A Knife in the Dark|
|Dark01KnifeFIN|Welcome to the Family|
|Dark01KnifePost|Dark01Knife Post Quest Dialogue|
|Dark02Watery|A Watery Grave|
|Dark02WateryFIN|Blood of the Damned|
|Dark03Accidents|Accidents Happen|
|Dark03AccidentsFIN|No Rest for the Wicked|
|Dark03AccidentsPost|Dark03Accidents Post Quest Dialogue|
|Dark04Execution|Scheduled for Execution|
|Dark04ExecutionFIN|To Serve Sithis|
|Dark05Assassinated|The Assassinated Man|
|Dark05AssassinatedFIN|My Brother's Keeper|
|Dark06Wanderer|The Lonely Wanderer|
|Dark06WandererFIN|Enter the Eliminator|
|Dark07Medicine|Bad Medicine|
|Dark07MedicineFIN|The Night Mother's Child|
|Dark08WhodunitFIN|The Assassin's Gambit|
|Dark09Retirement|Permanent Retirement|
|Dark09RetirementFIN|Of Secret And Shadow|
|Dark10Sanctuary|The Purification|
|Dark10SanctuaryFIN|The Dead Drop|
|Dark10SpecialWizard|Affairs of a Wizard|
|Dark11Kin|Next of Kin|
|Dark12Harem|Broken Vows|
|Dark13Justice|Final Justice|
|Dark14Honor|A Matter of Honor|
|Dark15Coldest|The Coldest Sleep|
|Dark16Kiss|A Kiss Before Dying|
|Dark17Following|Following a Lead|
|Dark18Mother|Honor Thy Mother|
|Dark19Whispers|Whispers of Death|
|DarkConvSystem|Dark Brotherhood Dynamic Conversations|
|DarkConversations|Dark Brotherhood Scripted Conversations|
|DarkExile|A Dark Exile|
|DarkExile2|Another Dark Exile|
|DarkExile3|Eternal Exile|
|DarkExileControl|Dark Exile Control Script|
|DarkVamp|Darkness Eternal|

**DA* (Daedric Shrineクエスト関連) [#da]
|DAClavicusVile|Clavicus Vile|
|DAGeneric|Generic Daedric Quest Dialog|
|DAHermaeusMora|Hermaeus Mora|
|DAMolagBal|Molag Bal|
|DAWabbajack|Wabbajack quest|

**SQ* (サブクエスト) [#sq]
|SQ01|The Potato Snatcher|
|SQ02|Raid on Greyland|
|SQ03|Revenge Served Cold|
|SQ04|No Stone Unturned|
|SQ05|The Gravefinder's Repose|
|SQ06|Bear Season|
|SQ07|The Sunken One|
|SQ08|A Venerable Vintage|
|SQ09|Go Fish|
|SQ10|When the Vow Breaks|

**MS* (Misc Quest) [#ms]
|MS02|Where Spirits Have Lease|
|MS04|The Siren's Deception|
|MS05|Through A Nightmare, Darkly|
|MS06|The Forlorn Watchman|
|MS08|Caught in the Hunt|
|MS09|Two Sides of the Coin|
|MS10|Corruption and Conscience|
|MS11|A Brotherhood Betrayed|
|MS12|Lifting the Vale|
|MS13|The Wayward Knight|
|MS14|A Brush with Death|
|MS16|Separated at Birth|
|MS16A|Legacy Lost|
|MS16B|Sins of the Father|
|MS18|The Killing Field|
|MS21|The Collector|
|MS22|Nothing You Can Possess |
|MS22Fin|MS22 FIN|
|MS23|Order of the Virtuous Blood|
|MS26|Imperial Corruption|
|MS27|Secrets of the Ayleids|
|MS29|Unfriendly Competition|
|MS31|An Unexpected Voyage|
|MS37|Tears of the Savior|
|MS39|Seeking Your Roots|
|MS40|Vampire Cure|
|MS43|Whom Gods Annoy|
|MS45|A Shadow Over Hackdirt|
|MS46|Goblin Trouble|
|MS47|Zero Visibility|
|MS48|Breaking the Siege of Kvatch|
|MS49|The Battle for Castle Kvatch|
|MS51|Canvas the Castle|
|MS52|Origin of the Gray Prince|
|MS91|Mazoga the Orc|
|MS92|Knights of the White Stallion|
|MS93|The Ghost Ship of Anvil|
|MS94|Attack on Fort Sutch|
|MSConversations|Misc Quest Conversations|
|MSMisc|Misc Quest Starter|
|MSShadowscale|The Renegade Shadowscale|

**Training* (トレーニング) [#training]
|TrainingAcrobatics|Acrobatics Training|
|TrainingAlchemy|Alchemy Training|
|TrainingAlteration|Alteration Training|
|TrainingArmorer|Armorer Training|
|TrainingAthletics|Athletics Training|
|TrainingBlade|Blade Training|
|TrainingBlock|Block Training|
|TrainingBlunt|Blunt Training|
|TrainingConjuration|Conjuration Training|
|TrainingDestruction|Destruction Training|
|TrainingHandtoHand|Hand to Hand Training|
|TrainingHeavyArmor|Heavy Armor Training|
|TrainingIllusion|Illusion Training|
|TrainingLightArmor|Light Armor Training|
|TrainingMarksman|Marksman Training|
|TrainingMercantile|Mercantile Training|
|TrainingMysticism|Mysticism Training|
|TrainingRestoration|Restoration Training|
|TrainingSecurity|Security Training|
|TrainingSneak|Sneak Training|
|TrainingSpeechcraft|Speechcraft Training|

**Arena* (アリーナ) [#arena]
|Arena|The Arena|
|ArenaAggression|Arena Aggression Control Script|
|ArenaAnnouncer|Arena Announcer Speech|
|ArenaDialogue|The Arena|
|ArenaDisqualification|Arena Disqualification Control Script|
|ArenaIC|The Imperial City Arena|
|ArenaICGrandChampion|Arena Grand Champion Match Control Script|
|ArenaSpectator|Arena Spectators|
|ArenaSpectatorCombatant|Arena Combatants Control Script|

**Generic* [#generic]
|Generic|Quest and Location Independent Dialogue|
|GenericArgonian|Argonian Race Dialogue|
|GenericCurrentEvents|Generic Current Events|
|GenericDremora|Generic Dremora dialogue|
|GenericFodderCombat|NPC Fodder combat dialogue|
|GenericImperial|Imperial Race Based Dialogue|
|GenericLore|Generic Lore|

**House* (家購入関連) [#house]
|HouseBravil|Buying a house in Bravil|
|HouseBruma|Buying a house in Bruma|
|HouseCheydinhal|Buying a house in Cheydinhal|
|HouseChorrol|Buying a house in Chorrol|
|HouseImperialCity|Buy a house in the Imperial City|
|HouseLeyawiin|Buying a house in Leyawiin|
|HouseServant|Helping Hands|
|HouseSkingrad|Buying a house in Skingrad|
|HouseSkingradQuest|The Rosethorn Cache|

**NQD* [#nqd]
|NQDAnvil|NQD Anvil|
|NQDBravilNPC|NQDBravil NPC|
|NQDBruma|NQD Bruma|
|NQDCheydinhal|NQD Cheydinhal|
|NQDCheydinhalNPC|NQD Cheydinhal NPC|
|NQDChorrol|NQD Chorrol|
|NQDChorrolNPC|NQD Chorrol NPC|
|NQDGuard|NQD Guard|
|NQDHackdirt|NQD Hackdirt|
|NQDKvatchNPC|NQD Kvatch NPC|
|NQDLeyawiinNPC|NQDLeyawiin NPC|
|NQDSkingrad|NQD Skingrad|
|NQDSkingradNPC|NQD Skingrad NPC|
|NQDWilderness|NQD Wilderness|

**ETC [#etc]
|BedRental|Bed Rental|
|BladesConvSystem|Blades Dynamic Conversations|
|BladesMartinConvSystem|Martin's Conversations with the Blades|
|Crime|Player being arrested or trespassing|
|Disease|Hellos to player when diseased|
|E3|E3 Demo quest|
|GoblinWarsQuest|Gobin Wars quest|
|MageConvSystem|Mages Conversation System|
|MarkTestCase|Dialogue Test|
|TestQA|this is for QA testing|
|TestToddQuest|Todd's Test Adventure|
|TestVoiceBudget|Export this quest to see race/sex for each city|
|Vampire|what NPCs say to you when you are vampire|
|lyndacarter|for mtv promo|

*DLC関連 [#dlc]
**ND* (Knights of the Nine関連) [#kon]
|ND00|Nine Divines general dialogue|
|ND01|The Shrine of the Crusader|
|ND02|Priory of the Nine|
|ND03|Nature's Fury|
|ND04|The Path of the Righteous|
|ND05|Wisdom of the Ages|
|ND06|Stendarr's Mercy|
|ND07|The Faithful Squire|
|ND08|The Sword of the Crusader|
|ND09|The Blessing of Talos|
|ND10|Umaril the Unfeathered|
|ND10FIN|ND10 Post-Quest Scene|
|NDConversations|ND Conversations quest|
|NDGreetings|For world-wide greetings and hellos|
|NDKnightsConvSystem|Knights of the Nine Conversation System|
|NDStartingRumors|Used to bring starting rumors to top of stck|

**DLC (その他DLC) [#otherdlc]
|DL9MehrunesQuest|Unearthing Mehrunes Razor|
|DLC06ThievesDen|Dunbarrow Cove|
|DLCDeepscorn|Deepscorn Hollow|
|DLCFrostcragSpire|Frostcrag Spire|
|DLCHorseArmor|Horse Armor|
|DLCOrrery|Repairing the Orrery|

**SE* (Shivering Isles) [#se]
|SE00|SE main story general|
|SE01Door|A Door in Niben Bay|
|SE02|Through the Fringe of Madness|
|SE03|A Better Mousetrap|
|SE03A|Baiting the Trap|
|SE04Fin|SE04 Post Quest|
|SE04Shell|Understanding Madness|
|SE05|The Lady of Paranoia|
|SE06|The Cold Flame of Agnon|
|SE06Battle|Cylarne battle|
|SE07|Ritual of Accession|
|SE07A|Ritual of Dementia|
|SE07B|Ritual of Mania|
|SE08|Retaking The Fringe|
|SE08FIN|SE08 Post-Quest|
|SE09|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper|
|SE09Misc|Holds infos for scripted experiment scene|
|SE10|The Helpless Army|
|SE11|Symbols of Office|
|SE11FIN|SE11 Post-Quest|
|SE11a|The Liturgy of Vision|
|SE11b|The Trial of Reflection|
|SE12|The Roots of Madness|
|SE13|The End of Order|
|SE14|The Prince of Madness|
|SE30|The Antipodean Hammer|
|SE32|Ghosts of Vitharn|
|SE34|To Help A Hero|
|SE36|Final Resting|
|SE37|Taxonomy of Obsession|
|SE38|The Museum of Oddities|
|SE39|Everything In Its Place|
|SE40|Falling Awake|
|SE41|A Liquid Solution|
|SE42|Work is Never Done|
|SE43|Ushnar's Terror|
|SE44|The Coming Storm|
|SE45|The Fork of Horripilation|
|SE46|The Great Divide|
|SEBed|SE Bed Rental|
|SECrime|SE Crime dialogue|
|SENQDDementia|SE Dementia NQD|
|SENQDMania|SE Mania NQD|
|SENQDWilderness|SE Wilderness NQD|
|SESacellum|Sacellum Speeches|

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