MOD/特集記事/追加種族 のバックアップ(No.2)



目次 Edit

Beautiful People Edit

Ren's Beauty Packの「Mystic Elves」、猫耳・猫しっぽキャラの「Ainmhi」、Khajiitをさらに虎っぽくしたような「Skyrim Khajiit」、お猿っぽい「Tang Mo」、Oblivionの住人「Dremora」など、多くの種族や目・髪型を追加します。

Ainmhi Edit

Created by a powerful wizard to serve as slaves, these diminutive half-beasts exhibit exceptional strength and combat prowess. Though somewhat simple beings, they are resilient and possess a natural resistance against magic.


Dremora Edit

The Dremora are a proud and intelligent race of Daedra in service to the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon. They are powerful warrior spirits who are far more wise than most Daedra and are very curious of mortals and their ways. The Dremora are well versed in Destructive magics and Heavy Armor.

Dremoraは、破壊の王子Mehrunes Dagonに仕える気高く知的な種族です。彼らは戦士としての強い信念を持ち、他のDaedraより遙かに賢明であり人間種族にとても興味を抱いています。Dremoraは破壊魔法と重装に精通しています。

Mystic Elf Edit

The Mystic Elves of Tamriel are a rare sight indeed. In the likes of Cyrodiil, they are most commonly mistaken for Wood Elves. While quick on their feet and well suited for the life of | a bandit, their true calling is the art of Mysticism.


   Blade +5
   Mysticism +15
   Destruction +5
   Light Armor +5
   Marksman +10
   Sneak +5
   Dragon Skin(一分間自分自身のArmor Rateに+50の効果、一日一回のみ)
   Resist Magicka(魔法属性攻撃耐性:+40)
   Resist Fire(火炎耐性:+25)
   Blade +5
   Mysticism +10
   Destruction +5
   Light Armor +5
   Marksman +10
   Sneak +10
   Dragon Skin(一分間自分自身のArmor Rateに+50の効果、一日一回のみ)
   Resist Magicka(魔法属性攻撃耐性:+40)
   Resist Fire(火炎耐性:+25)

Skyrim Khajiit Edit

Skyrim Khajiit are far larger and stronger than average Khajiit. They don't care much for the local Khajiit population and get along well with Imperials and Nords. They also have exceptional luck.


Tang-Mo Edit

Hailing from the Akivir area known as "Thousand-Monkey Island" these are the kind-hearted monkey-people. They come in many breeds but are all simple, brave, and a little crazy. The other races all attempted to enslave or invade them at different points, but so far the Monkey-folk have been able to fight them all off.

「Thousand-Monkey島」として知られているAkivirが地域の出身であり、親切な類人猿です。 彼らはたくさんの種に分かれていますが、簡単にまとめると勇敢で、少々狂乱的と言えます。他の種族は彼らの奴隷化、侵略を試みましたが、今までのところ退けています。

Orogs Edit

Orog Edit

Orogs are a half breed between Orcs and Ogres. They are much larger, stronger, and stupider than Orcs but not as stupid, big, or strong as Ogres. Torn in-between these two worlds they have no home and are openly rejected by both sides. As a result they have zero personality and are pretty much hated by everybody.


   Strength +40
   Endurance +30
   Intelligence -30
   Willpower +10
   Speed -20
   Personality -40
  Blunt +10
  Hand To Hand +5
  Heavy Armor +10
  Block +10
  Armorer +10

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