

DLC6 Fighter's Stronghold Edit

クエスト名:Battlehorn Castle
UESPWiki:Oblivion:Battlehorn_Castle (quest)

公式紹介文 Edit

Defeat the attacking marauders and become lord of Battlehorn Castle. 
Located in the Colovian Highlands west of Chorrol, 
this expansive castle will allow you to live the life of a noble warrior, 
with private quarters, grand dining hall, wine cellar, barracks, training 
room and more. And what castle would be complete without a few hidden 
passages and dark secrets?

このMODに依存した別の非公式MOD Edit


*1 公開当初は1週間だけ無料DL期間があった。今はDL販売のみ。ミラー・再配布は禁止との事です

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Last-modified: 2015-07-20 (月) 12:31:17